All the students admitted to this Institute will be under the complete disciplinary control of the Principal of the Institute or any other officer(s) appointed by the competent authority for the purpose and must conduct themselves in accordance with the disciplinary rules of institution as framed and notified by the concerned authority from time to time.
While academic pursuit with excellence is the prime motive of the Institute’s teaching delivery system, great emphases is also laid on personality development, discipline and punctuality besides various cultural activities for all round development. Towards achieving this aim, in addition to what has been stipulated in the prospectus issued by the NCTE and the University with regard to maintenance of discipline, the following Do’s and Don’ts have also been laid down for strict compliance:
- Always display your Identity Card prominently while in the Institute premises.
- Always wear neat and clean college uniform.
- Be regular in your classes and maintain your attendance as specified by the University. Good attendance and punctuality helps in achieving high performance level.
- Ragging: Ragging in all forms is totally banned in the Institute and any one indulging in ragging is likely to be punished appropriately, which may include expulsion/ suspension from the Institute or classes for limited period and/or fine with a public apology. If the individuals committing or abetting ragging are not/ cannot be identified, collective punishment can be awarded to act as a deterrent.
- Mobile Phones are strictly prohibited in the Institute premises.
- Unbecoming Conduct: Eve teasing, smoking, consumption of liquor, disfiguring or otherwise damaging institutional property, use of violence in any form, rowdism and rude/ disrespect behavior, any form of gambling, castism, communalism, or practice of untouchability, offences of cognizable nature or any other conduct unbecoming of a student in the Institute are very serious offences and are strictly prohibited. Offenders are likely to be punished severely as per the Institute’s rules which may include suspension, rustication, expulsion and/ or heavy fines.
- Use of drugs or intoxicants is a serious offence except if the drug is prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and under the knowledge of Principal of the institute.
Disciplinary Action:
Any student indulging in any of the forbidden practices may attract the following disciplinary measures:
- Cancellation of the scholarship/freeship/stipend (in part or in whole, temporarily or permanently) in accordance with the rules prescribed in this regard and/ or
- Heavy Fine and/or
- Suspension or
- Rustication or
- Expulsion
Re-admission of students whose names have been struck off may be considered at the discretion of the principal on payment of re-admission fees or Rs.500/- along with the dues and penalty.
Notice Board
It is the duty of the students to take note of all notices displayed on the notice board for their information and compliance. Notices normally remain displayed on the notice board for a maximum period of seven days after which they may be removed. Failure to read the notice displayed on the notice board will not be accepted as an excuse for non-compliance of orders.
Management’s Right
The management reserves the right to make additions and alterations to the existing rules, working hours, time table, mode of training as may be deemed fit from time to time. The student shall be required to abide by the rules that are updated and informed from time to time.
At the time of the admission, the candidates have to give an undertaking that they will abide by the rules and regulations prescribed by the Institute and any action taken in this regard against the student by the Principal shall be final.